‘Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight’. (Mem Fox, Reading Magic)
Nursery rhymes play an important role in children’s learning and development. As well as being fun, nursery rhymes and children’s songs enhance vocabulary and language development. They help to develop early literacy and enable children to become interested in the rhythm and patterns of language. They often include simple repetitive phrases and a strong rhythmic pattern that young children find easy to remember and repeat. Nursery Rhymes are the perfect way to develop children’s early phonological awareness.
They also provide support early mathematical skills. Familiarity with counting songs provides the foundation for crucial numeracy skills and awareness, by introducing children to the language of number and mathematical concepts such as time, size and order.
Nursery rhymes can help support children’s personal, social and emotional development as well as their understanding of the world around them.
Follow these links to find the words to the songs your child has been learning in school
Autumn Songs |
Christmas Songs |
Hello Songs |
Spring Songs |
Core Rhymes Booklet |
Nursery Rhyme Booklet |
The BBC website has an A-Z of 100+ nursery rhymes videos. All videos include the words on screen and a lyric sheet to print out.
Click here to access the website